The question of 'Who exactly is my neighbor?' was asked of Jesus by a teacher of the law; one who knew the law well but needed to justify his attitude of only loving those he knew or loving people when it was convenient.

Jesus answered his question with the parable of the Good Samaritan. If you need a refresher on the story, click here. The man who was beaten, robbed, and left for dead was never identified by his religion, social or economic class, marital status, or criminal history. He was.... a human being. Someone's son, possibly someone's brother or father.
The one least likely to stop and help did just that. Jesus' question back to the law expert was "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The man answered him, "The one who had mercy on him". That was the correct answer, but that understanding was expected to be followed up with action. Jesus responded to him by saying, "Go and do likewise." Compassion in Action!
Look around you. Who are your neighbors? Have mercy and act on it.

My neighbors showed me great mercy and forgiveness concerning my dogs chasing their chickens, especially when they saw one of my dogs proudly carrying their slane rooster in her mouth. I guess I need to do a little more work teaching those dogs the difference between a chicken and a racoon.
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